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You are Invited to “The Pit”

I want to take this chance to follow up on last Sunday’s announcement concerning a (temporary) outdoor venue that we have built that has affectionately become known as “The Pit”.  In its simplest form, it’s a fire pit surrounded by some benches, flanked by a couple of picnic tables and a BBQ / Smoker.  

However, “The Pit” is actually a lot more than that.  It is an outdoor venue where relationships can be deepened and developed.  It’s a place where people can sit around a fire like humans have done since the beginning of time and in every era of history.  There is something rich about watching a fire do its dance and distribute warmth, while sharing our lives with one another.  There is something timeless about sharing a meal together.  Solomon said in Ecclesiastes that to eat, and to drink and to do meaningful work are all gifts of God to mankind. “The Pit” is a place to retreat with others in order to have our hearts re-ordered from the disorder of our daily lives.

We would love to see “The Pit” used often to create relational connections.  That means you, and the people around you, are welcome to enjoy this new venue… your BLT (mid-sized groups), your women’s group, your men’s group, your Bible study group, your fellowship group, your neighborhood group…whatever group.  It is intended to be a safe outdoor place to enjoy one another for the purposes of advancing the beauty of God in all of our lives.

Even though winter is closing in on us, we still have a window of fall weather in the weeks ahead of us.  Therefore we encourage you to use “The Pit” if you would like.

Obviously, there will have to be some guidelines…

1.  You can reserve “The Pit” by emailing Angela Harmann at
2.  The wood for the fire pit will be available on site at no cost.
3.  The BBQ / Smoker is available for your use but charcoal, tools, etc. is your responsibility.
4.  Alcohol is not permitted at functions on Quest property.
5.  Appropriate precautions during the pandemic ought to be followed.
6.  Leave the venue in better shape than when you found it.
7.  Enjoy the time and glorify God with your hearts and behavior. 

Yours, hoping to see you utilize “The Pit,”
