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Why is Quest so Obsessed with ‘Community’ ???

We all live in community, a community, in fact we probably all live in numerous communities.  

There is the community where we live and the people who live around us.  Sometimes we know them well, and sometimes we don’t.

There is the community where we work and the people we interact with at work and through work.  Sometimes we know them well, and sometimes we don’t.

There is the community where we play and recreate and the people we play and recreate with.  Usually we know these people a little better because we have somethings in common, but not always.

Then there is the community where we worship and the people who worship along side us.  We have something in common with these people, yet sadly, we can be very disconnected from one another in the family of faith.  

Honestly, I have found that relationships in the church can be some of the most rewarding, and on the other hand, can be the most painful and aggravating.  

So, asking you to consider getting into ‘community’ within the Quest family may be risky business.  You might have the greatest experience, but you might be really disappointed or even hurt.  However, one thing I do know… living in isolation, we tend to self-destruct.  We were designed to be connected to other parts of the ‘body’ of Christ and with the rest of humanity.  In all of the good and bad of relationships, God uses them all to mold us, encourage us, challenge us and even comfort us.

As you prepare for 2017, would you take stock of how you are doing in the area of being connected in the family of faith.  Take steps to get connected.  We will try to help you, but I want to encourage you to step out in faith and get connected.

Your bro,
