Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

*Updated* Crestview Food Pantry List

Crestview’s Food Pantry provides students with food over the weekends that otherwise, may go hungry or not get enough to eat. We are so blessed to have the ability to come alongside the school in this amazing way. Quest has responded so incredibly to all the needs they have. We have received an updated list with a few extra items that could really help these kids.

Please remember that these items have to go into a backpack to respect the anonymity of these students, so the items you bring need to be smaller in size and lightweight.

  • Travel size hygiene items—-toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner & tampons
  • Small cans of Beans & Franks or Beanie Weenie’s
  • Small cans of spaghetti or ravioli
  • Organic Milk Boxes (these have a longer shelf life and don’t need refrigeration – ie. Horizon brand)
  • Small veggies in cans (variety)
  • Small boxes of individual cereal
  • Microwave bags of rice or noodles
  • Regular boxes of Mac & Cheese
  • Individual snack bags of Goldfish & Pretzels
  • Gummy Snacks
  • Individual Slim Jim or Beef Jerky packs