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Upcoming Trivia Night and Silent Auction Fundraiser

Quest is putting on it’s first ever trivia night fundraiser (Saturday, April 13th), benefiting Quest Students and their camp scholarship fund! We thought this would be a fun way to help our student ministry. With the uptick in camp opportunities this year, we were hoping to raise enough money to significantly decrease the camp costs for our families. Summer camps can be incredibly life changing for so many kids and we want this year’s camps to be as accessible as possible to as many as possible.

The only want to really make this happen and happen well is with your help! We have our Quest Students working hard to try and find donations for the silent auction, provide baked goods for a bake sale that we’ll have that night and also be working the event. However, the silent auction needs a little extra help.

We’re looking for items to include in the auction. These items should be new and hold some value. We’re not looking for used or recycled items. Auctions prizes could consist of anything from new goods, services, experiences, event tickets, gift cards, etc.

If you or someone you know would be interested in supporting our students in the area of silent auction donations, please sign up at the ministry table on Sunday mornings to let us know. You can also reach out to Angela Harmann directly.


    • It’s be the evening of April 13th, but we want to have the silent auction set to go by mid March.

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