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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

The Heart of a King

A ‘kingdom’ is a place where a king reigns sovereign over both the land and the inhabitants of a land. Therefore, the character and the distinctives of that kingdom are primarily determined by the character and heart of the king.  If he is of noble character then his kingdom will take on noble distinctives.  If he is a scoundrel, then his kingdom will function in chaos because the character of the king is unworthy of the people’s faithful allegiance.  The value system of the king inherently comes from his heart and determines the value system of his kingdom.

As citizens, it would be important to understand and embrace the value system of the kingdom in which we live, but it might be even more profound to meet and get to know the king and to understand His heart. This way, the value system comes alive and becomes something to which we could also give our hearts.  We will give our hearts to something or to someone, that is at the nature of life – it is impossible to withhold it from everything. We have to give it and connect it to something or someone.  Might the kingdom of God, his value system, and all that it involves be worthy of our allegiance to the most noble of all Kings? a King who is both infinite and yet personal?
