Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

The Search for a Director of Student Ministry & Young Adults

After a process of searching for a replacement for Jake Schuchardt as the Director of Student Ministries, we have landed on a gentleman who represents the “leading candidate.” In light of that, we would like to introduce him to you, as the congregation.  The process lead us not only to this gentleman, but to the conviction that he is ready for, and capable of fulfilling, much more than the needs we have in Student Ministry.  We want to address the needs we have to shepherd the young adults and young families in our congregation and in our community.  In addition, we wanted to add a ‘younger voice’ to join me in the teaching/preaching responsibilities on Sunday mornings.
We are excited about adding this gentleman to our staff in an associate pastor role, with a focus on Student Ministry and Young Adults.  We will present a full bio on him next week in the newsletter, introduce him to you in our 10am worship service  on Sunday the July 22nd, and have him meet the students and their families on Wednesday, July 25th at 6:30 pm.
The process that our By-Laws require us to fulfill are for the Senior Pastor to recommend a candidate to the Elders for their decision.  Along the way, we designed the process to include “participation of the congregation” by “providing public opportunities to meet the candidate, and solicit input to the Elders prior to their decision.”  Therefore, we are looking forward to introducing him to you over the next few weeks.  After all of that, the Elders will finalize their decision.  We are excited about this candidate and trust that the Lord will continue to guide our leadership with the congregation’s input and feedback.