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The Passion Week

In the history of the Christian church, this coming week is known as The Passion Week, or The Holy Week. It begins with what we call Palm Sunday (or what was at times known as Passion Sunday) and ends with Easter Sunday.This particular week took on more and more institutional focus over the twenty centuries since they occurred. Sometimes this increased attention has been helpful, yet in other ways it has unfortunately distracted us from the simplicity of what it is really all about. It is supposed to be a time to remember and embrace the profoundly intentional love of God as revealed in Jesus as He turns His face toward Jerusalem knowing that He would offer Himself as a peace offering, a sacrifice that would satisfy the wrath of God concerning the sins of the world. You see, the holiness of God cannot excuse the rebellion of mankind. There is no excuse for us turning our back on God and turning our world into a place of pain and meaningless chaos. At the same time, the love of God cannot leave mankind alienated by his rebellion.  God was motivated by His own character to offer a payment for our rebellion… a payment that was sufficient and efficient.  

Jesus came into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday poised as a king offering peace. The people were excited as they anticipated the possibility of a non-violent transition of power from the Romans back to a Jewish theocracy under the leadership of this ‘prophet’ of sorts. Unfortunately, the peace that Jesus was offering had a much more tragic road that it had to travel than anybody other than Jesus understood. What seemed like such great beginning on Palm Sunday ended in what seemed like a nightmare on Friday. But somehow, in the ultimate plan of God, the events of the Passion Week weave together to create the fabric of the redemptive life He has for us and for the lives of every man, woman and child on planet Earth. Jesus came to offer peace, but it was a peace that cost Him His life, and is offered to us. May this week be a time to remember and embrace the profound and intentional love of God revealed in Jesus steadfast commitment to endure the Passion Week for us.