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The Need for Connection

We are told that God is all-sufficient for the needs in our lives, and that is totally true… on one level. He is all-sufficient and totally reliable. Nothing in this world is perfect except for Him. When our lives are pushed to the edge, we can find Him to be all that we need because He is the only one that can meet the deepest desires of our hearts. So, being connected to Him is the first and foremost need in our lives.

However, as a tool for Him to use, He designed us to be in connection with one another. He wants to use us in each others lives. He made us to be on a team, in a platoon, on a crew, part of a “line-up.” He designed us to function together. The apostle Paul used the metaphor of a “body” to illustrate our need and our design to be connected to others, to function in coordination with other parts of the body for the mutual good of each part and the whole. The experience of being a part of the body of Christ, or what some call “body life,” gives us a sense of belonging, an environment in which we can wrestle with truth and grace and a place to grow and change.

It would have been simpler to just leave us on our own and do life isolated from each other and alone with God. It is much more complicated to have us be on a team, in a platoon, on a crew, part of line-up or part of a body. BUT that is what God designed and it has been said that He actually knows what He is doing. The problem is that all the parts of the body are somewhat broken just like ourselves. Therefore, we have to connect to those parts without demanding that they be perfect. Only the head of the body is perfect and that is the Lord Himself.  Wow! What a wonderfully messed up idea!

Therefore, we sense the need to help you get connected in a place where you can belong, learn and grow. So we will be working on providing more effective places for you to plug in. Also, you need to consider whether you might take the risk of connecting somewhere God could use to help you be transformed in the midst of a group of imperfect people. You will be hearing more in the near future, but this note is designed to give you a heads up and encourage you to consider dropping the barriers that hold you back from getting connected.  

Your bro,

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