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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

The Last Palooza

…of the Year

Surely you didn’t think we were canceling Paloozas all-together! Paloozas are a part of Quest like our DNA is a part of us. It’s a building block of what makes Quest, Quest. We’re a family. Families celebrate and have fun, especially around the holidays! 

Our tradition in that the Sunday after Christmas is a breakfast style Palooza. Most of us have had crazy months, and the week after Christmas is usually a blurry time of complete exhaustion, so we want to offer a respite where you can just come, eat (and not have to bring anything) have fun and be.

We hope you’ll come on Sunday, December 30th at 10am for our Game Day Palooza! Instead of a typical service, we’ll have a breakfast buffet and LOTS of games! There is a suggested donation of $5 per person for the breakfast. 

What kind of games? They’re all simple, table top games that most people already know how to play or can learn quickly (games like [but not limited to] Yahtzee, Connect Four, Pictionary, various card games and even a couple of puzzles if games aren’t your thing). There really is no agenda besides having fun together, kind of like a family game night… but in the morning.