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The Good Life

What a beautiful time of the year!  Spring is usually a fabulous time of transition from our exhaustion with the cold and stark days of winter to the dog days of summer.  I know that many of us actually like the cold and snow, while others of you love the sweaty, intensity of summer (did you catch my bias there?). Regardless, I think we all get excited by the beauty of nature blossoming from the forest floor up into the highest limbs of the trees (with the exception of those who suffer from all the pollen).  It starts with the daffodils and tulips as they break through the thin layer of a late snow.  I love spring with all of its fragrance.

Easter reminds us also of the new beginnings of life as we celebrate not only the resurrection of Christ, but also the ever possible resurrection of our lives.  We ache for something to reboot our lives from the systematic breakdowns we periodically experience.  We find ourselves in search of THE GOOD LIFE that we look for around the corner of each and every day.

This spring, on Sunday mornings we will be filtering out several fundamental elements of THE GOOD LIFE from the apostle Paul’s letter of encouragement and instruction to Titus, his protege on the island of Crete.  This letter was written a long time ago, but has a ton to say to us today about THE GOOD LIFE that God has for us.
