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The Gina-Palooza… because church is a party!

There are times in our lives that are worth celebrating. Not every day is a blow out party; most days are just pretty regular… you know, the flat parts of life. In fact, the trick to life is making the flat parts meaningful. It’s the flat parts where we have to live by faithful faith… you know, faithfully being full of faith. Then there are days when life is just down right hard! But then, there are also days and events that are worth celebrating… days when we get a glimpse of perfection… a glimpse of what life was supposed to be like without the broken dimensions.

This Sunday, we are going to discover one of those events in Gina Manual’s life, and it will reflect for us something of immeasurable value in the economy of God. We are going to be able to join Gina and her family in ‘prayerful dedication’ and ‘joyful celebration’. Then after the service, we will have an international meal from India. This is going to be fun. If you are considering being anywhere else – forget it! You need to be at Quest for the Gina-palooza!!!