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The Annual Meeting

It’s So Much More Than Simply Church Business

I know it is a bit strange, or at least uncommon, to have a church ‘business meeting’ on a Sunday morning, imbedded in the worship service.  I have never seen it in any other church that I have been associated with, and maybe you haven’t either.

There are two distinct reasons why we do it this way.  First, the real business of the church is to glorify God for who He is and what He is doing in and through His people, the body of Christ.  When we forget that worshipping God is at the heart of our purpose, we get distracted by the institutional minutia of organizational details.  That brings me to the second reason for doing the ‘business meeting’ as part of the worship service:  In many churches, there is an unfortunate reality that the institutional minutia of organizational details seems to bring out some of the worst in all of us.  For some reason we sharpen our swords and inflict wounds by intensely arguing over what is seldom profoundly essential.  Here at Quest, we want to avoid such unnecessary temptations.

However, there has be be room to have clear and honest dialogue that addresses the ‘institutional minutia of organizational detail’.  That is why we scheduled the two “Town Hall” meetings a few weeks ago.  There are no secrets as to what we are doing.  Members, as well as attenders of Quest, were welcomed to join in hearing about where we are and where we are headed.  Both of those meetings were well attended and seemed to have great unity.

So… therefore… what now?  This Sunday we want to gather together and accomplish the business of Quest.  We are going to focus on ‘standing firm’ in our faith in the midst of the battle for our hearts and our minds.  We will hear about where we have been and where we are going in the coming year.  We will celebrate what God has done and what He is leading us to do.  We will affirm our new Associate Pastor, Johnathan Walker, as well as eight new members. We will also have members vote on affirming the tools of a budget and a new Elder Candidate, Mike Tackes, to help us on our journey of obeying Christ’s direction for Quest.  And then, we will all join together in celebrating the beautifully redemptive work of Christ on the cross as He died on our behalf and rose from the dead to give us new life.  Communion is the amazing act of ‘the many becoming one’ at the foot of the cross.

That is the business of the church… the business of Quest.

Join us for a morning of celebration, this Sunday, August 19th.

Your bro,
