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The $10 Challenge

About a month ago, Kevin gave the opportunity for people to pick up a $10 bill to use in some way in September. You were asked to pray about and thoughtfully consider how God might have you use the money. It’s not a ton of money, but enough to make a small difference in the life of someone in the community.

Did you pick up one of these $10 bills? Have you used it yet or has it been sitting in your wallet or purse? If you’re still waiting to use it, please pray for God to show you how He’d like you to use it. We wanted these to be given away in September, but may people forgot about the challenge, so we’re extending the time for another couple weeks.

If you have used your $10, we’d love to hear from you about how and why you used your $10 at the time you did. We’ve gotten a few stories already and would really like to hear more. You can email Kevin at with your story.