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'God' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Christmas Drama

“Each of us asks the existential question, ‘Is God really telling a good story, and is my life one of his great stories?’”.  That thought is lifted from the pages of The Healing Path, by Dr. Dan Allender.  But that thought is not unique to Allender….it is a thought we all actually wrestle with day in and day out.  In the midst…

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing is the Main Thing We Have to Do

Any organization, company or even church can easily become a complicated set of words, processes, structures and programs. The crazy thing is that the organization, company, or church doesn’t have to be very big to become to complex to be effective and profoundly unclear as to what it is all about. Therefore, keeping in mind what is at the heart of the…

The Heart of a King

A ‘kingdom’ is a place where a king reigns sovereign over both the land and the inhabitants of a land. Therefore, the character and the distinctives of that kingdom are primarily determined by the character and heart of the king.  If he is of noble character then his kingdom will take on noble distinctives.  If he is a scoundrel, then his kingdom will function…