Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Summer Camp: The Details

Get excited for summer camp 2022!!!

King’s Kids Camp has been going on for a long time and it is put together by Quest and three other EFCA churches in St. Louis ( St. Paul’s, Bethesda, Wellspring Family Church). I am really excited to partner with them this summer to help our students connect with God. It’s going to be really fun and a great time of growing closer to Christ.

Here is a video of King’s Kids Camp 2019 – check it out!

Save the date: July 17-22 (Sunday afternoon drop-off and Friday evening pickup)
Location: King’s Kids Camp is held at Camp Wartburg, IL. It’s a little less than 1 hour away from Quest.
Registration: Online at
Cost: $350 ($25 due at registration to hold spot)

  • On the website it says cost is $400/camper but we have decided to lower the cost for students at Quest. You only need to pay $350.
  • Quest also will cover the cost for students who are old enough to do high ropes. 

You can pay by checks or Venmo

  • Checks can be mailed to St. Paul’s Church, King’s Kids Camp, 9801 Olive Blvd, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 (payable to “King’s Kids Camp”)
  • Venmo username is: @Kings-Kids-3 and the phone number associated with the account is 314-599-5476. Please double check the information before sending money.

We also have scholarships available for students who need financial support to come to camp. We really want everyone to be able to come so please let us know if you have a need. If you would like to help provide scholarships, please contact Johnathan Walker directly.

Who can come: Students entering 4th – 9th grade. Older high school students have leadership opportunities to serve at camp as a counselor.

  • Students going into 4th-9th grade this fall are able to come as campers. This is a joint camp we do with both Quest Students and Quest Kid’s and the official camper age is for students in these grades.
  • High school students ages 16+ can come as junior counselors, age 15 can come as junior staff. 
  • Junior staff (Age 15) This is a dual role where 15 year old sophomore students are able to participate in almost all of the regular camper activities but there are some additional leadership opportunities and responsibilities. It is a great experience to be able to have the camp experience and be able to serve other students. 
  • Junior counselors (Ages 16+) help lead cabin groups and are paired with an older experienced leader. This is an awesome leadership opportunities for students growing in their faith to be able to invest in younger students.

Activities: Each day there is time spent in a larger group session with worship, messages, and skits. Then each day there are all sorts of breakout activities for cabins like sports, crafts, swimming, music, high ropes, kayaking, and archery. There is time each day in groups called “worship workshops” where students get to work on a project of that honors God in a creative way (art, music, etc).

Theme: By the power of the Holy Spirit. The group will be looking at how the Holy Spirit connects us to Christ, empowers us to follow Jesus, and what it means for us in our walk with God.

Interested in coming to camp with us and being a counselor? That’s great! Let Johnathan know if you are considering it and he can give you more details. 

Let Johnathan know if you have any questions about camp and be praying for our group as they prepare for this summer. You can reach Johnathan at

Thank you for all your support!