Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Springing into Action with Our Local Schools

Things are ramping up with our local schools ministry this spring, and we wanted to make sure you knew about everything going on. We hope that you’ll consider jumping into help if you have the availability. We know that with a lot of these during the weekdays, that’s hard for those of you with 9-5 jobs, however the school carnival at Pond is a Saturday! God has really thrown the doors open for us in our local schools, so we want to be sure we’re supporting them as best we can! You can find the upcoming opportunities below…

  • Wednesday, February 26th – Got your Backpack at Fairway Elementary from 2:45-3:45pm. Anyone is welcome on the last Wednesday of the month for this time of filling backpacks with food for kids to take home on the weekends.
  • Saturday, March 7th –  Pond Elementary School Carnival – Pond has asked if Quest could provide 6 volunteers to run the cash register for the lunch line. This is a sitting down job from 11am-2pm (ish). You wouldn’t have to work the whole shift, even if you could help for an hour, that’d be awesome!
  • Wednesday, March 25th – Got your Backpack at Fairway Elementary from 2:45-3:45pm. Anyone is welcome on the last Wednesday of the month for this time of filling backpacks with food for kids to take home on the weekends.
  • Friday, May 8th – Muffins with Mom at Pond Elementary from 7:30 am to 9 am. We help with serving muffins and treats to the students and their moms.
  • May teacher appreciation lunch for Babler Elementary. This date and time has not yet been set, but they have asked if we could help.

If any of these sparked your interest, you can contact Kelly Moore. You can find a sign up sheet for the school carnival on the Ministry Table this Sunday.