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Serving St. Louis – One Project at a Time

A few years ago, at the end of the fall season, some young men were raking up and bagging leaves at a house in my neighborhood. After a few hours (and nearly 35 bags later) the yard was transformed. That might not seem odd to you, but the yard they were working on was not any of theirs. As it turned out, they decided to help out an elderly man who lost his wife awhile back and was battling cancer himself. His yard was over grown and needed help. His daughter lives about 30 minutes away and does what she can to help her father, but as you can imagine, there is a lot to do.

A few weeks later, I was taking a walk and passed by that yard and the daughter was there. We have spoken to each before, so she knew who I was. She asked me who tended to the yard. I was happy to share with her that some boys from the church I attended had done it. She was so thankful for the act of kindness that it brought her to tears.

God uses His church (His people) to care for others and to share the gospel. A ministry that is important to Quest is Serve St. Louis. This coming in the fall on Saturday, October 10th – we will have the opportunity to join with other believers and honor the name of Jesus by meeting various needs in our community, just like those young men did.

I was recently talking with Ken Price, Quest’s Serve St. Louis team leader, and he shared his and his team’s passion for this important ministry, 

…we truly show our fellow neighbors that we are the hands and feet of Christ.  

I couldn’t agree more. We have projects helping the elderly, honoring our military, tending to people in need and assisting ministries that reach our culturally diverse community.   

By the way, those young men continue to help with that man’s yard every year in the fall. Now, what I want you to pray about and consider is… Where will God use you for Serve St. Louis 2015? 

Save the date: Saturday, October 10th! Stay tune for more information about project details.  If you have any questions, then contact Ken Price.


One Comment

  1. Thanks Steve, that was an encouraging story and I hope it spurs and motivates your a Quest people to get out and serve St. Louis on October 10. We need to hear more those kinds of stories. Making a relational difference in the whole family not just one person. Maybe next time there might be a gospel conversation combined with service. You never know how God has prepared their hearts.

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