This morning’s message comes from Matthew 19 and looks at the topic of singleness.
This morning’s message starts our new series, Matthew: Kingdom Design… looking at Matthew 19.
Part 6 of REVIVE explores the second V of the title: Volunteer.
Today starts a new series: REVIVE. This new series will run until the end of the year and it’s all about revival. Not the big tent in a field kind of revival, but an internal revival of our hearts. Each week will look at a different topic that is a big part of the Christian…
Today’s message finishes the series, Matthew: Kingdom Life. Forgiveness is an important part of the Christian life, being a part of your community.
Join the livestream at 10am for Easter Sunday service where we celebrate the risen Jesus and his claim, “I AM The Resurrection.”
Open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 13 as Kevin takes us through the parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Value. Matthew 13:44-46 The Parable of the Hidden Treasure44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he…
Join the service via video for worship and as we finish our message series, Outside of the Box. It’s been a 9 week series on discipleship. Today’s message is a continuation of last week’s idea of unity and comes from Ephesians 4.