This morning we had WISH’s missionaries (Beth and Robin Churchill), who are based in Haiti, in service to share a bit of their story.
This morning we had WISH’s missionaries (Beth and Robin Churchill), who are based in Haiti, in service to share a bit of their story.
Today’s message finishes looking at the Lord’s Prayer from last week. The scriptures used are: Matthew 6:5-13 Exodus 16 John 6:30-35 Colossians 2:13-14 and 3:12-13 James 1:12-15
Today we start a new 4-week series on Prayer and the importance of it in our Christian walk.
As we jump back into Perspective, our study of Philippians, we look at Philippians 3:17-4:9
Christmas Eve Service
What is hope? We take a look at what the Christmas story implies to us about the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
In this message, we look at the aspect of Peace at Christmas.
Philippians 2:19-30 – Leaders are made, not born.