Part 2 of Perspective explores Paul’s letter to Philippi in Philippians 1:1-11.
Part 2 of Perspective explores Paul’s letter to Philippi in Philippians 1:1-11.
We started a new series studying the book of Philippians this morning. Unfortunately, there is no sermon video to accompany the message.
Jesus doesn’t want us to worry. If God cares for the ravens, don’t you think He cares for His people even more?
This is the second and final week focusing on the parent/child relationship. This week is all about grace and how/why it’s so important in parenting to us, our relationship with our kids as well as our relationship with God, Himself.
We took a slight detour for today’s message from 1 John and spent the morning in Psalm 27 looking at how David saw fear.
This message is out of 1 John 3:11-24. There was a video clip included in the message from the movie Stepmom. However, due to copywrite laws, this clip cannot be posted. We’re sorry for any inconvenience.
Today’s message focuses on 1 John 3:1-10
This morning’s message is our of 1 John 2:15-27 with supplementary verses from John 15:5 and John 16:13-14.
As we anticipate Christmas and the birth of the Christ child, we also need to look at what makes his arrival so incredible. He is coming as a baby set us free of our bondage and sins. He’s coming to be crucified, to be resurrected… and to come back again.