Jesus IS the light of the world.
Jesus IS the light of the world.
Join us as we start a new Christmas series. We’ll be looking at what it looks like to be light in the darkness. Today’s message focuses on understanding Darkness and that idea that you only truly appreciate the Light when you recognize the darkness.
Join us for Christmas Eve service online this year. Worship together, learn from the Word and explore the Nativity story through new eyes. Whatever you do, take time to connect with the Lord and have a Merry Christmas.
Join us for worship and learning from II Corinthians about The Light being here and what that means for us. We explore the fourth part of our Advent Conspiracy project and get a challenge and a charge to stay connected.
Join us for Sunday service on December 13th. We’ll talk about what it means to be the church even if we’re not gathering, we’ll learn about the next part of our Advent Conspiracy project and Johnathan will start “The Light is Here” Christmas series.
We continue look at Unwrapping Christmas and finding what it’s really all about through multiple lenses.
This morning starts our new Christmas series – Unwrapping Christmas.
Making Room for God because He made room for us.
Making Room for the presence of God.
Today’s message is part 4 of our Christmas series, Making Room, and talks about the importance of taking room for forgiveness… not for just today, or this Christmas, but in the Christian walk in general.