This morning we wrapped up Find Your Focus by looking at a book titled Changes That Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud. Kevin identified the 4 areas of growth as stated in the book as well as the equation for growth.
As we look further into what it means to Reach, we look at the Rules of Engagement and how we, as unique and broken people, can relate to an infinite and intimate God through Christ’s truth and grace.
We dove into the Nature of Jesus by looking at John 1:1-18.
We started the mini series Reach of Find Your Focus and took a closer look at the Nature of God.
Jake Schuchardt spoke on the importance of prayer from James 5:13-20. The big idea was “Honest prayers from imperfect people bring perfect answers.“
As we take another look a Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer in John 17, Kevin has four take-aways that he wants us to remember.
The main scripture passage that was covered this morning came from Romans 12:1-21.
Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16