Today we start a new 4-week series on Prayer and the importance of it in our Christian walk.
Today we start a new 4-week series on Prayer and the importance of it in our Christian walk.
This is the final week of our Prodigal series. We’ve taken a look at the younger brother and the older brother, but today, we look at the father in the parable.
We take another angle at the story of the Prodigal son this morning by looking at the older son and the father.
As we look at the third parable that Jesus tells in Luke 15 about lost being found, we focus on the younger son and the father.
Today’s message focuses on 1 John 3:1-10
Al Frank spoke to the congregation about Blessings. There was no message video – we apologize for any inconvenience.
We dive into John 17 to look at Jesus’ prayer to the Father.
Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16