Open your Bibles to Matthew 11: 12-30 as we continue our series, looking at the identity of Jesus.
Open your Bibles to Matthew 11: 12-30 as we continue our series, looking at the identity of Jesus.
Today starts a new series looking at Matthew 11 & 12 and the identity of Christ.
Join us as we start a new Christmas series. We’ll be looking at what it looks like to be light in the darkness. Today’s message focuses on understanding Darkness and that idea that you only truly appreciate the Light when you recognize the darkness.
Join the service via video for worship and as we finish our message series, Outside of the Box. It’s been a 9 week series on discipleship. Today’s message is a continuation of last week’s idea of unity and comes from Ephesians 4.
Jump into part 8 of Outside of the Box. Kevin is looking at John 17, Jesus’ prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane, and how that should influence how we look at discipleship
This morning we look at Evangelism and the fact that it’s not a project or a program, but a state of being. The story of Andrew and Peter demonstrates this idea. Communion will be offered, so feel free to get the elements for that so you can participate from where you are.
Part 4 of Outside of the Box looks at John 15:1-17, looking at Jesus’ illustration of the vine and the branch and the importance of bearing fruit.