It’s Christmas Eve! The biggest Christmas Party of them all! If you want to know what the part is all about, catch up on the Christmas Party series here!
It’s Christmas Eve! The biggest Christmas Party of them all! If you want to know what the part is all about, catch up on the Christmas Party series here!
Need to catch up? Watch part 1, part 2 or part 3 now.
Today’s message looks at Pentecost, what is was for, what it meant and how Jesus fulfilled it. Need to catch up? Watch part 1 or part 2 first.
Join us every Sunday morning at 10am for a Christmas Party! We’ll be looking back to the Old Testament and the feats, festivals and celebrations that God outlined for His people – and how Christ was the fulfillment of all of them. He is a God of celebration so we should be a people of…
Join us every Sunday morning at 10am for a Christmas Party! We’ll be looking back to the Old Testament and the feats, festivals and celebrations that God outlined for His people – and how Christ was the fulfillment of all of them. He is a God of celebration so we should be a people of…