In today’s message, Johnathan expands on Kevin’s conflict resolution message from last week, and explores what forgiveness is and why we need to work so hard to forgive others.
In today’s message, Johnathan expands on Kevin’s conflict resolution message from last week, and explores what forgiveness is and why we need to work so hard to forgive others.
Matthew 7:7-11 – Ask and you shall receive, knock and it will be opened.
Today starts our Easter series: For the Joy. The main passage comes from Luke 19:28-40.
Making Room for the presence of God.
Today’s message wraps up our Welcome Home series, reviewing the main points of the last 10 weeks and giving usable ways to go forward engaging the church and community.
Today’s message looks at Luke 10:25-37 and the story of the Good Samaritan.
Today’s message takes a closer look at three pieces of the armor of God and why they’re important: The Shield of Faith The Helmet of Salvation The Sword of the Spirit
What is hope? We take a look at what the Christmas story implies to us about the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
In this message, we look at the aspect of Peace at Christmas.
As we start our Christmas series, we’ll be looking at a different aspect of the holiday each week. This week we’ll focus on the Wonder of Christmas.