What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
This week’s message looks at the life of Jeremiah and having hope in all circumstances.
Part 6 of REVIVE explores the second V of the title: Volunteer.
Today’s message is from Matthew 9:14-17, looking as Jesus’s explanation of why you can’t put new wine in old wineskins.
Today’s message talks about grace, what it is and why it’s so important for us to understand, receive and share it with others.
This week finishes up our series, Matthew: The Kingdom Begins. It looks at Matthew 4:12-22.
Today’s message wraps up our Welcome Home series, reviewing the main points of the last 10 weeks and giving usable ways to go forward engaging the church and community.
Today we start a new 4-week series on Prayer and the importance of it in our Christian walk.
Next week will be our Annual Business Meeting that we have during service. We want to celebrate God and His work and focus on Quest’s foci for the next year. There won’t be enough time during the meeting to fully explain everything, so we are taking this service before to explain where we think God…