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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

School is Starting! Quest Students is Here for You!

 It is hard to believe but we have already entered a new school year! The summer has come and gone, and we are now getting back into the school routine…whether we are ready or not. Last night at youth group, there was a pretty mixed evaluation of how well this first week of school has gone. It’s fun to see old friends again and to make new ones. It is fun to go to some new classes, it is also overwhelming and challenging to go to new classes. These first few days have lots of ups and downs as we get back into the rhythms of a school year and learn how things work at a new school or with new teachers. One of our key goals in Quest Students is to help our students to navigate this season with the wisdom that God gives us in Scripture. 

Student ministry at Quest is focused on helping teenagers to follow Christ and to bring students together into a community where they feel known and loved. Life is often too challenging or confusing to go through alone and we are committed to helping teenagers grow in their understanding of who Jesus is and what it means for us today. Throughout this school year, we will be addressing topics like identity, purpose, setting godly priorities and supporting one another through life. We desire to help students grow in their faith and to point them towards God’s incredible love for us in Christ.

Quest Students meets on Wednesday nights in the lower level of the church from 6:30-8:15pm. Middle school and high school students (6th – 12th grade) are all welcome to join us. We play games and hang out, spend time worshipping, studying God’s word and encouraging each other in small groups. We also have a team of amazing volunteer leaders who love God and care about our students. If you are a student, we would love to have you get connected to Quest Students this next school year!

Reach out to Johnathan Walker if you have any questions regarding Quest Students ( Also please reach out to Johnathan if you are a parent and would like to get regular email updates from student ministry.