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Racial Tensions of 2020

Dear Quest,

We obviously live in unique, unprecedented, tumultuous and unsettling times.  Trust and peace are not in great supply.  Conflict and scheming swirl around us.  So, what are we to do?  What we believe about God will guide us in our response. 

Recently I ran across a short document I wrote in 2016 that I had totally forgotten about.  As I reviewed it, I was struck by its relevance to our situation here in 2020. 

This weekend there is a national focus on ‘repentance’ among many evangelicals.  I would like to challenge all of us in Quest to join that effort.  If God is going to heal our land it has to start with us crying out to the Lord to forgive us and to transform us.  The first step is His forgiving and transforming our hearts before we can focus on others.  It is easy to identify the ‘sins’ of those around us but the real work is for us to acknowledge our own broken, twisted and sinful attitudes and actions.

Take a minute to read the article from 2016……especially the paragraph about taking care of the issues within the walls of the ‘church’…and remember the ‘church’ is not the building at 17126 Manchester Road, Wildwood, MO 63040.  The ‘church’ is the people who gather there either physically or virtually as the body of Christ and under His headship.

What is “the church” going to do in light of the-
Racial Tensions/Mistrust of Law Enforcement/
Vigilante Violence/Pockets of Lawlessness:
The Societal Malaise of 2016

This question begs to be asked and answered in light of all the circumstances that surround us, and include us, at this juncture in our nation’s history.  To be sure, these issues are not new and will not be solved overnight.  The problems are both complicated and yet simple.  They are multi-faceted and yet addressable.  No matter what however, they are unavoidable.  To ignore them or to be silent would be irresponsible.  At the same time, to react could easily lend itself to an over reaction.

Rather than ignoring the issues or reacting to the issues, we need to respond and engage.  I would suggest that we begin with a few foundational and philosophical guidelines:

The church, and therefore by implication Quest, is NOT called to be the leader in our community concerning these issues. Most efforts of a church to assert leadership in the community as a whole is fraught with the dangers of becoming aligned and stigmatized with the polemics of various political and societal paradigms. Unintentionally the church can find itself taking sides that alienates it from those who see the situation from other valid perspectives.

What God has called the church to be is SALT and LIGHT. Salt provides the necessary element for giving flavor to a tasteless world and preservation for the things of highest value. Light illuminates truth and provides clarity for the steps ahead on the path of honoring God and caring for people.

Often, but not always, salt and light (the church) tend to look like leadership just because of its nature as salt and light. They offer hope, insight, perspective, sacrifice, and priority. They encourage mercy accompanied by justice, all wrapped up with true humility. However, salt and light are sometimes unwelcomed by the culture or the community, and therefore they are not the leaders embraced by those around them. The church can at times find itself at odds with others who have adopted unbalanced, unhealthy or at least non-biblical perspectives.

Therefore, the church has be focus on being the SALT and LIGHT that reflects the substance of Christ and His Word in a broken world rather than a position of leadership.

-The church begins with each and every individual rather than with it’s ‘corporate expression’ only. It is first the responsibility of the tensions and issues of our day. The impact of the individuals will combine for a greater good that could ever be accomplished by a corporate expression.

-The church has to address these issues as they exist inside its walls before it can address them beyond its walls. The racial tensions and prejudices of our society have rooted themselves inside the church and between fellow believers. Before we have anything to offer our community we have to deal with our internal dysfunctions. This means that change starts in and with the church as we repent of the sin that so easily entangles us. We have often denied God’s right to govern our lives and our church. We have pointed fingers at others but lived in hypocrisy ourselves. If we want the world to change is starts with us on our knees owning our faults. (see I Peter 4:17)

-Listening is the beginning of communication. Love is being willing to see what the world looks like from other persons seat on the bench of life. Before we offer our thoughts, opinions, and perspectives we would do well to hear the thoughts and hurts of others.

-The church has to prepare itself to give an answer for the hope that exists within us. If the community recognizes this hope and seeks an explanation, we are to be ready and willing to explain and demonstrate that hope with crystal like clarity.

Thank you for taking the time to not only read this newsletter but to go face to face with the Lord and do business with Him. If you ask, He will be faithful to convict you and convince you of sin, and righteousness and the judgement that stands between you and Him (John 16:8). If you confess your sin, He is faithful and righteous to forgive you of your sin and to cleanse you of all unrighteousness (I John 1:9).

