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Questing Beyond Ourselves… Again

This past week, we had two different mission teams strike out with two very different but very similar purposes. Crestview is our church’s Sunday morning home, and while we’re only there one day a week, we want to be an encouragement to the school all year round. We got a team together who organized a teacher appreciation lunch for Crestview teachers this last week. It’s an awesome time of just loving on the teachers, showing our appreciation to them and the school and helping to encourage them in an environment that can sometimes be hard… middle schoolers with one week of school left? Yeah, we’d call that challenging.


We also tackled the Thrive Alive Drive 4 Life this past Saturday morning. It was a driving marathon across St. Louis that was to promote Thrive’s new college ministry and vehicle, JAKE. As we drive, we prayed… for the colleges, for the students, for the women that would come to need Thrive, for Thrive itself. Prayer is powerful, so it was the go to tool used to launch this amazing new ministry.

No matter the ministry, God is working in people’s lives. We all need Him and to know Him, but if we’re not out there showing Jesus to the world, who will? These opportunities present themselves regularly, so would you consider joining Quest Beyond the next time we strike out into the community?