Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Quest Students Camp Plan for 2025

Johnathan wants to fill you in on what’s going on with Quest Students and this upcoming year. There are several opportunities for our students in the area of camps. We have 3 scheduled for this year and they’re all amazing opportunities for our students.

Winter Retreat

We are so excited to be back this year for the winter retreat over President’s Day weekend! This is a great weekend of games, worship, messages, building community, and fun. We are partnering with other St. Louis churches in our denomination that we also do King’s Kids camp with.  

Here are the details:

  • When: February 15-16
  • Who: all 6th-12th grade students are invited
  • Transportation: We carpool from church on Saturday morning and return Sunday night.
  • Location: Pinecrest Camp and Conference center (1252 State Hwy C, Fredericktown, MO 63645) (1.5 hours away from Quest)
  • Cost: $115 per student (Scholarships are available)

Register today!

Ascend Camp

Our Quest Students high schoolers are heading to Ascend Camp in 2025! The camp runs from Saturday, June 21st-Wednesday, June 25th and will be at Lake Williamson Conference Center in Carlinville, IL.

Details are still coming together, but we want you to save the date if you’ll have any students going into 9-12th grades this next school year! 

King’s Kids Camp

King’s Kids Camp is back again for the summer of 2025! This has been a Quest tradition for many years now with so many of our 4th-9th grade students loving the experience. We want you to save the date for Sunday, July 13th-Friday, July 18th. All the details, cost and more is being worked out and will be announced closer to the summer.

But for now, save the date!

Questions? Contact Johnathan Walker.