Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Quest Kids Summer Mission Projects

We have had fun and great start to the Summer Children’s Ministry “Get Wisdom.”

We’re now ready to share the summer ministry Mission Projects with the children and with you, the rest of the congregation.  When choosing projects, I try to pick ones that children can identify with, understand and work toward completing a finite goal.  For example, 35 cents feeds one child for a day, so even little kids can feel they have participated by working for that 35 cents.

We had such a great response from you and the children last summer, we are asking you to help support our various mission projects again this year. 

The tables in the auditorium will have blue and yellow buckets on them this year, each showing the 4 projects we are working toward for Haiti and the Keys in Bulgaria.

If you throw your change in the buckets each week, we will collect it and see what of the following needs we can help meet at the end of the summer.

If you are a parent, I am asking the children to set aside a bowl in their home where they can earn and share some of their own money to support these children in Haiti and Bulgaria. Please encourage your kids to participate. 

The need for education in Haiti is staggering. More than half of all school-age children do not attend school due to financial inability.  On the Saline of LaGonave, the situation is even worse. 

I have corresponded with Beth and Robin Churchill (the missionaries there) and the needs are great…

  1. Education is expensive and it is very difficult for the Haitians that work for the mission to  send their children to school. There are fees upon fees and they need tuition, books, test fees plus uniforms and shoes.  Unless they can get the money to do that they cannot attend school. 
  2. They are trying to build up a library for the school children – books in Creole are scarce and expensive.
    They have asked for:
    -An encyclopedia set in Creole for the children ($175.00)
    -Kids and Youth hardcover story books in Creole and French $6.00 – $20+ per book
    -A Creole Science book set for the 6-8 grade kids ($240.00)
  3. Money to feed 100 children one meal of beans and rice a day  at .35 cents a day per child.  Thirty five dollars covers one day of food.

In addition to the needs in Haiti, when Shawn and Chris Key came to visit a couple weeks ago, they said they could really use help in purchasing a number of soccer balls for their ministry in Bulgaria.  

Thank you for participating with us. We are asking everyone to help meet as many of these needs as we can for the children of LaGonave Haiti and Bulgaria.