Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Quest Kid’s is Opening This Weekend!

This weekend represents the next and important step in the reestablishing of mid-covid ministry at Quest.  We have all been on an unpredictable learning path concerning what is ‘prudently careful’ as opposed to ‘caviler’ on one side and ‘unnecessarily hesitant’ on the other.  We have done our homework in networking with well informed experts on this corona-virus.  It seemed to us that it was more than reasonable to launch our kindergarten through 6th grade ministry for a limited number of kids.  We are limiting the number to 35 so that we can maintain ‘distancing’ even with face coverings.  We are asking that you register your kids prior to coming so that we can maintain protocols.  In addition, Quest Kids will operate only during our second service at 10:30 am on Sundays.

The impact of this pandemic on young people has been far more significant than we had hoped.  Doctors and counselors tell us that the social-emotional disruption in young students lives can be described as ‘PTSD’ (post traumatic stress syndrome) similar to the impact of war on soldiers.  Though the pandemic has not been ‘violent’ like a war it has taken a toll on young people who are just learning about how to deal with traumatic events that alter the rhythms that are supposed to establish stability and trust in them.  These rhythms have been twisted and halted in many ways.  

We believed that now is the time to help our kids regain some of what was a safe and loving environment in which they could enjoy one another as well as be grounded in the message and worldview where God is reliable and compassionate toward whatever goes on in our lives.  It is interesting that at the same time, yet independently, the school districts around us have come to the same conclusion.  They are reestablishing in school education in a staged process starting this week with the youngest and working toward the secondary level after Christmas.

I can not tell you how much I believe that the ministry to kids is vitally important.  Our culture has been rewiring and adjusting the way they see truth and morality.  A Judeo-Christian worldview is becoming much less prevalent than in the past.  It is being replaced by a humanistic worldview that is anchored by personal pleasure and appeasement.  Whatever feels right is now the guideline for life.  Hopefully everybody can just get along and not step on each others toes.  But when that does not work our culture erupts into conflict and hatred.  Our culture has moved its base away from anything that could be biblically recognizable.  
I am not interested in advancing anything that is simply traditional stuffy religion.  We ought not be committed to judgmental moralizing.  We are excited about a message of reconciliation between man and God that is anchored in the amazing grace that is offered to us in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  He has a blueprint for what life is supposed to be, a life that is full and meaningful.  It is not a life that is easy but it is a life that is full of good and beauty. 

We need your help in making an impact in the lives of kids.  Not very far down the road (a few weeks) we will need additional teachers and helpers in Quest Kids.  You will be investing in the life of a future generation that can be equipped to make a beautiful impact on their world.  If you have any interest Karen Robertson would like to talk with you and help you find a place to serve.  We don’t get the chance to make a long term impact with a short term involvement very often……but this is one of those chances.

The domino effect of starting Quest Kids again, and therefore loosing the lower level for overflow, forces us to temporarily go to two services on Sunday mornings.  We will do that at 9 am and 10:30 am.  Choose either one of them.  The second service (10:30 am) will need to facilitate the parents of kids downstairs so if you can do 9 am service just as well then that might be helpful……but we are not worried about who comes when.  The Lord is in charge and we are excited about this next step in our reestablishing Quest in this mid-covid season.  

Thanks again,