Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Quest is CANCELLED for February 10th, 2019

To keep everyone safe, we are cancelling Quest’s 10am service and all other events on Sunday, February 10th, 2019. Enjoy the rest of your ice covered day! 

However, there are some things we want you to know about so check out the events and announcements below…

The Quest Directory is in Your Hands

Question… Is your Quest Directory information up to date? Do you need to be added to the directory? We’d LOVE to have every Quester in the directory with their up-to-date contact information. It’s a great way to stay connected, so let’s use it! You can log in or start a new account by following this link. However, please do not start a new account if you’re already in the directory – simply log in to change your information. If you have questions or need your password reset, please reach out to Beth.

Missions Sunday

Join us at 10am on Sunday, February 24th, for a missions focused morning looking at what God is doing across the globe and how Quest is connecting with that.

Chili Cook-Off

Last year’s Chili Cook-off was a big hit, so we figured we’d do it again! We’re still compiling a few more details, but mark your calendars for Sunday, February 24th (after service).

We’ll need people to make their chili to go head to head against each other! If you want to enter your chili, you’ll need to fill out a competitor form online or at Quest by Sunday, February 17th.

We’ll also need people to come and eat all this amazing chili, as well as, bringing a few extras like salad or desserts. We are taking care of the cornbread and drinks!

Questions? Contact Angela Harmann or Jim Liggett.

Newcomer Lunch

We understand that jumping into a new church can be overwhelming. That’s why the Newcomer Lunch is a perfect opportunity to get to know a few people in the Quest community, find out more about the church and maybe get an idea of how to get connected. You can sign up at the ministry table for the next lunch that will be after service on March 10th. Questions? Contact Angela Harmann. We hope to see you there!