Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Prioritizing our Children

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at Quest,

Our children live in a world, at best, too busy and complacent to follow Christ. At worst, it rejects Christ and entices kids to follow other gods. As parents, grandparents or as a part of a body of Christ, we must be at work prioritizing the spiritual lives of children.  Children have a soul that God desires to nourish.

  • Does nourishing a child’s soul take time? Yes, and time is a precious commodity.
  • Does it take sacrifice? Yes.
  • Do kids walk out of class saying, “Wow that was an amazing lesson!” ??? …We wish.

…BUT can we serve the Lord by planting His Word and truth in children from the earliest of ages to nurture a developing, mature faith as they grow. YES!

The understanding that children develop as toddlers is crucial to their ideas about who God is as they mature. They must know, in their hearts, that God is at work in every detail of their lives! God changes the heart, but He leaves the job of faithfully teaching of His amazing love and the truths of His Word to us.

Given today’s culture, what opportunity do you think children have to hear about and follow Christ? You have the opportunity to impact their lives; to help them establish that foundation on which they may build a godly future. What an amazing thing!

Every Sunday in Quest Kids, you have that opportunity. Do you want to see lives changed by Christ? – Then we need to start with the children.

Three truths I would like to share:

  1. God calls each of His children to serve Him.
  2. His call will take you beyond your comfort zone.
  3. We all have ways of resisting God’s call. What are yours?
    1. I’m too busy.
    2. I’m not good at that.”
    3. I’m scared to try.”
    4. Insert yours, “___________________”

In Exodus 3, Moses gave all those excuses, but he turned aside to look at the burning bush. When God saw that Moses was looking at Him, He assured him that from that day on, the great I AM would be with him.

God desires to fashion each of us into a vessel fit for His use with His potter’s hand. That includes you, me and the children.  Please prayerfully join with us this Fall as we dive into another season of teaching these amazing kiddos the truths of Christ.

If you can serve, please contact Karen Woolsey at (314)630-1309 or talk to Laurie Baker this Sunday morning.

Loving Christ and His children,

Karen Woolsey