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Post Election Malaise

Malaise is defined a “a vague sense of mental or moral ill-being or lack of health.”  It seems to me that our country is in a sort of malaise as we sit in an uneasy place awaiting closure of the elections of Tuesday, November 3rd.  Not only are waiting to see who finally is declared the ‘winner,’ but we are not sure what to anticipate by way of the political and judicial rancor that may be just around the corner.  We are also in a position of considering what the consequences might be when one or the other of the presidential candidates occupies the White House.

Even more profound is a seemingly deep and widening chasm that divides our country.  Blue vs. Red.  Urban/Suburban vs. Rural.  Left vs. Right.  Conservative vs. Liberal.  However you want to describe it, there is a painful division in our country.  There are even more significant divisions when it comes to moral and racial issues.  However you size those things up, it remains that there are significant divisions among us that appear to growing more and more rigid. 

Who knows what the condition of our country will be down the road?  None of us know for sure.  “But…God.”  Numerous times the scriptures include this phrase, ’but God’… a reflection on the reality that, in spite of the circumstances that are unfolding around us, the reality of the omni-presence of God stabilizes our lives.  His is infinite and He is personal.  He is informed and Hd is engaged.  He is using reality to capture our attention when we easily get distracted.  He is exposing the inadequacies of this world in order to help us consider His transcendent nature.

No matter what gets decided in the next few days, weeks, or even months, we can rest in the fact that ultimately all authority still rests in the hands of the Godhead; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  Those three are still circled up and calling the plays without revoking the free will of mankind.  Somehow God is working out a perfect and ultimate plan of redemption through His permissive will that permits mankind to choose between foolishness and wisdom, between good and evil, between right and wrong, between that which is holy and that which is profane. 

I would encourage you to resist getting caught up in all the push and pull of the chaos around us.  Filter everything through the lens of God’s sovereignty and His authority.  Never forget that He is guided by His compassion and His mercy.  Stand in awe of His immutability.  Be confident of His faithfulness.  Kneel before His glory.  Weep in light of our short comings.  Be peaceful in the warmth of His forgiveness.  Stand firm in His truth.  Live well in the Spirit.  Rest in His goodness.

Yours in knowing God is in control no matter what,


  1. Thank you for this advise Kevin I really needed to hear that no matter what God’s got this!! His will, Will be done!! I have to trust & have faith in God’s authority over us. I needed this because my emotions are a little out of control!! Through your words, God is always on time! 🙏🙏

  2. Fredda-Lois Loafmann

    Appreciate you taking the time to address the deep feelings on all sides of this election! A real encouragement. For me at the beginning of the day the Holy Spirit brought to my mind the following words. They have played over and over in my heart and mind. “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into his wonderful face and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His Love and grace.”

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