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Possibilities of a Facility

As a church, we are facing one of our first really big decisions and, therefore, changes that could (and will) impact the equilibrium of Quest.  The possibility of buying the church facility near the intersection of Highway 109 and Old Manchester Road is both exciting and packed with all sorts of potential tension.  At some point, we will probably arrive at a day when the membership will cast individual votes.  Between now and then, the Elder Team is diligently trying to identify all the important questions and issues as well as gathering answers to those questions and perspective on those issues.  If at some point the ‘negotiations’ fall apart, we will for now avoid ‘voting’ on this issue… but more than likely we will face this issue at some point down the road.  Therefore, whether it be now or later, the way we deal with the exciting potential and the predictable tensions is very important.

I want you to know that the Elder Team is honestly not trying to ‘sell’ the congregation on this property.  We have approached this with the mind that this property is a very reasonable possibility that should be investigated and considered.  We think that there is enough potential in this property that we felt responsible to inform and delegate the decision to those whom the decision belongs… and that is the membership of Quest.  That is why we continue to give you weekly updates on all the steps being taken and the information we are gathering.  We know that you as a congregation want to make an informed decision rather than one made in ignorance.  Therefore, we will continue to gather all the pertinent answers to the important questions in the next several weeks.  We hope that by February 14th, we will have all the necessary answers so you are ready to cast your vote.

I have been asked whether I think this is God’s will or not.  Honestly I do not know… and I have come to the conclusion that I cannot determine God’s will in this matter without entrusting myself to the ‘pleasure of the membership’.  You see, my responsibility, as well as your’s, is to think through the variety of issues that make a real difference as to whether this facility fits us as a church and could be a useful tool for our church to use in accomplishing what He has called us to do.  Like any facility, I wish it was perfect in every way, but when I put on my biblical thinking cap, as well as my experience in life, I remember that nothing is ever perfect and no building has ever ended up being perfect even under the best of intentions.  Therefore, I am left to identify what I think is important, what is possible and even what is not.  Then I have to make up my mind as to what to vote, yes or no.  Either way my vote will actually be for unity of the body.  That does not mean uniformity nor does it mean unanimity (being unanimous).  However, that does mean that I will trust that God’s desire in this situation will be revealed by the collective vote of the membership… 75% or more and it will be a YES… 74% or less and it is a NO.  It is as simple as that.  One way or the other I vote for unity… I am part of this localized expression of the body of Christ called Quest.  You are my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I am in this thing with you.  I will walk with you.  Where you go I will go.  I choose to live by faith, trusting God to guide the membership of Quest, the people He has knit me together with.   



  1. Praying faithfully for our body to be united in this decision and excited to see what God has in store through every faithful step.

  2. While i see all sorts of physical upside for our members who volunteer and set up, I also see the challenge in front of us. At some point we will need a focal point of our own be it this property or another. When that day comes we will all be challenged to remember that we are the Church not whatever building we meet in. As long as we remember and live with that in our hearts it will not matter what building we chose.

    I pray that through this process whatever the outcome, we remain the loving open Church I have grown to love.

  3. Dang…I read it and reread it and read between the lines. Not a sign of a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Hmmmmm…maybe he’s serious about this being the membership’s decision. Guess I’ll need to go to one of the meetings and see what the pros and cons are and make an informed decision.

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