Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Pond and Beyond

When Quest first started meeting at Crestview Middle School, we knew that God wanted us to partner with them to help support their students and teachers. There were several things we’d do throughout the year for the school. When we planted in our own building in Wildwood, we had another inkling that God was pushing us to support more schools… since Pond Elementary is two doors down. 

Pond welcomed us with open arms, which is not as common these days to allow “church groups” to come into and directly support schools. We helped with supplies, with events and with plain old encouragement. It’s gone extremely well thanks to the tireless work of Kelly Moore and her team.

This year, the ministry has expanded! This is AMAZING that we have the opportunity to work with not one, or two… but FOUR different schools in our community: Pond Elementary, Babler Elementary, Crestview Middle and Wildwood Middle. With an expanding ministry comes an expanded need for help, so we wanted to give you a heads up on needs that we have this Fall and Winter so maybe you can be thinking and praying about how to get involved. 

  • Saturday, October 13th from 8:30-10am, Babler Elementary is looking for help setting up for their Fall Festival.
  • Monday, October 22nd from 7:45-9am, Pond Elementary is looking for help serving breakfast at and cleaning up after Goodies with Grandparents.
  • Thursday, October 25th from 5:30-8pm, Pond Elementary is looking for help directing traffic and handing out candy to students during their annual Trunk or Treat.
  • Tuesday, November 20th from 7:45-9am, Pond Elementary is looking for help serving donuts during and cleaning up after Donuts with Dad.

We understand that many of these are during the day, which makes it hard for anyone working during the week. There will be an opportunity in November to help provide take-home turkey dinners for families at Babler Elementary. There will be more information given as we get closer to the event and details firm up. 

Christmas time always brings a myriad of needs from the schools with families that could use a little extra help. We will have a collection for $10 gift cards to grocery stores, gas stations, Target, Walmart, etc. Again, we will have more details in a month or two, but if you’re at the store and grab an extra $10 gift card, Kelly Moore will put it aside until December. 

Questions or want to get involved? Contact Kelly Moore!