Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!


Perspective is defined as: the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance.  If there were ever a time for people to develop and maintain a healthy perspective, it’s now.  We live in a world that seems to have danger around many of the corners of our lives.  It would be easy to want to escape or deny all the chaos around us.  The problem with escape and denial is that we would miss all the beautiful and wonderful things in this world and in our lives.  However, to be able to balance our understanding of all the good and bad that surrounds us, we need to develop and maintain a healthy perspective… but where can we go to gain an understanding of how all this ‘stuff’ in life fits together?
From the beginning of time, mankind has been asking this pivotal question.  In each and every century, in each and every corner of the world, in each and every person there is a need to engage and understand how life adds up and unfolds.  Throughout the years, most of us have pondered this question and considered whether God is a relevant answer.
In the years following the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Christ, the apostle Paul traveled much of the Mediterranean and Roman world proclaiming the centrality of Jesus as the Messiah.  In effect he was announcing that, at the center of all human history is the reality, God is real and relevant, and that God took on humanity by coming in human form in Christ, and that He is the one who gives us a point of perspective from which to understand all the dynamics of life.
This fall we will be looking at what Paul had to say concerning PERSPECTIVE as he explains it to the believers in Philippi in a fantastic letter that he wrote near the end of his life.  Join us to discover how to have PERSPECTIVE.