Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Kevin Hughes

Kevin is a Colorado native of 25 years, a California transplant of 23 years and now an immigrant to St. Louis of 15 years. His lovely wife, Diane, is a St. Louis native and a die-hard Cardinals fan. Their three children are all California natives and adopted Missouri to different degrees. Their oldest has returned to Southern California, married a wonderful woman and has made Kevin and Diane really grateful grandparents. Their middle child studies and works in St. Louis, while their youngest is a student at a Missouri State University.

Kevin believes that Jesus really is the hope of the world and that the church is supposed to be His hands and feet in our broken world. Together, we can open up our arms to a world in need of hope – to the skeptic, to the inquirer, along with those who are already convinced… we can engage one another concerning the meaning and purpose of life.

Kevin’s two favorite quotes:

The higher you climb the ladder of responsibility, the more your rear is exposed.”                        -‘Vinegar’ Joe Stillwell

Life’s basic decision is rarely, if ever, whether to believe in God or not; but whether to worship or compete with Him.
                  -Eugene Peterson, The Wisdom of Each Other (p.24)