Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Our New Online Quest Directory… Coming June 2015.

We’ve been working on updating our Quest directory to a secure online version that will be easier to manage and keep updated on an ongoing basis, but we’re in need of some information from you, our amazing Questers. A huge goal of Quest is to form and keep close community within our church, but we need to keep an up to date contact directory for you guys to be able to contact one another! Our hope is that this online directory will go live early this summer, but in order to do that, we need to make sure we have everyone included that wants to be. You will get more information about this exciting new development as we get closer to launching.

If you were not included in the last printed directory (or you have no idea what directory we’re talking about), we need your contact information. To submit your information, you can fill out the form below or fill out an information sheet on Sunday morning in the lobby at the ministry table.

    Your First Name*

    Your Last Name*

    Your Spouse's Name (if applicable - This is so we can link households together, but your spouse will need to fill this form out for themselves as well.)

    Your Email*

    Home Phone

    Cell Phone

    Your Address (Street, City, State & Zip)*

    If you have children, please enter their names here:
