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Recent News and Updates (Page 55)

From the Elders…

Over the past several months, I have been watching the workmen build a new house nearby.  The lot was purchased last summer and for a long time nothing happened, but we had heard that plans were being developed.  Then came the sound of machinery and some workers’ voices, but we still couldn’t clearly see what they were building.  In just the last three…

Picture It Framed… Some Crafty Fun!

Ladies, please join us for a night of crafty fun as we decorate and repurpose picture frames on March 7th. You supply an old frame or two, and we will have all of the decorative embellishments to refresh and redecorate them for your walls, doors or wherever you may put your frame. From acrylic paints, scrapbooking paper, and collage materials to natural…

NCF Workday – Serving Our Community!

Thank you to all who came out Saturday, February 14th to join our partners at New City Fellowship and the Work Day program. Serving the north city community was a day of hard work with the demolition/gutting at a 3 story home and the kitchen floor replacement in another home. God tells us in Matthew 5:16… …let your light shine before others, that…

Reaching the 4-14 Window

In the 1980’s there was a study done that identified the most unreached people group in the world. Churches all over the world responded with teams and money. Today, a new study identifies the world’s most unreached people as children ages 4-14 and that the United States ranks number 10 of countries with the most unreached children. Some reasons for our low ranking…

“Thank You!” -From Thrive

Questers! You have blown it out of the water yet again. The response to our Thrive Baby Shower was overwhelming! We never see donations like this… this much or this nice of stuff! After the donations were delivered, the first Thrive Mother that got to shop at the store wrote Quest a thank you note. We thought you’d like to read it.…

What’s Going on in Haiti?

The Haiti Team is in the middle of their trip and work.  A few will be returning on Saturday and a few more will return on Monday the 9th.  We want you to know that it is a privilege to represent Quest on this effort to minister to both individuals and the entire community of Anse-a-Galet on the island of La Gonave…

The Election Results are In!

I am glad to be able to report the ‘results’ of this past weekends elections, vote, selection process, etc.  We certainly did not want to turn all of this into some sort of organizational “mumbo-jumbo” and get distracted from simply being the church, from being the body of Christ, the people of God who are living out our days with purpose and…

Stumbling towards ‘churchhood’

This Sunday will be important as we continue to solidify the three dimensions of becoming an official Evangelical Free Church in the Central District.  In an effort to ‘shoehorn’ everything into a limited time frame we probably needed a few more weeks……which is exactly what we have done as we delayed the ‘congregational vote’ from January 11th to this Sunday, January 25th.…

Life is sacred . . . because God made it.

This coming Sunday is the National Sanctity of Human Life Day. On this day people all across America come together to pray for unborn, to defend the unborn, and to speak out against abortion. In 2008, President George W. Bush stated it this way “On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, we recognize that each life has inherent dignity and matchless value,…