Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Recent News and Updates (Page 53)

Pizza with a Purpose

Do you want to help Thrive while eating delicious pizza? Print out the flyer below and take it to a participating California Pizza Kitchen on August 13th AND/OR 20th and they’ll donate 20% of your check to Thrive! It’s that easy! Thrive & California Pizza Kitchen Flyer Be sure to take the flyer with you so they know where the donation is going.

Quest Kids is Gearing Up

Quest Kids is gearing up for another great school year. Our children are an important part of our church body and we are looking for people who would like to Help Kids Find Direction for Life by sharing God’s Love and Word with them. We are excited and thankful that so many of our teaching team from last year are returning again…

Online Giving is Live

Getting Started with Online Giving Go to the My Quest page on our website. Click on the green “Online Giving” button to go to the secure Quest online giving portal. Once you’re on the login page for the portal, click the “First Time?” link to register. Fill out the information it asks for and click “Submit” You will be taken to the My…

When The Rains Come… Again

The Post-Dispatch recently reported,   St. Louis’ rain totals for June came in at historic levels. Measurements taken at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport had 13.14 inches for the month. That’s about nine inches above normal.”   Some forecasts suggest the rest of the summer will have above normal rain also. We had no idea that this would be true when we titled our series on…

The Gina-Palooza… because church is a party!

There are times in our lives that are worth celebrating. Not every day is a blow out party; most days are just pretty regular… you know, the flat parts of life. In fact, the trick to life is making the flat parts meaningful. It’s the flat parts where we have to live by faithful faith… you know, faithfully being full of faith.…

As We Wrap Up Daniel

This week, we will wrap-up our examination of the first six chapters of the Old Testament book of Daniel. I have been stunned at how applicable and relevant these chapters have been to the time and place in which we live. There are growing strains in our day and age as to how God fits into the schemes of life. We live…

An Apology and Retraction

I owe you all an apology and a retraction of something I said a few weeks ago on Sunday morning in our worship service. During a time of reflecting on a series of unfortunate events in the world, our culture and in the Christian church sub-culture, I reported that Pope Francis had made a statement during a Vatican speech equating the Koran…

Town Hall Meetings: Facility and Budget

Before our Annual Meeting in September, we want to give everyone a chance to get more detailed information about a couple of topics: facility and budget. There will be two chances for each meeting on facilities and budget, so hopefully you’ll be able to find a time that works for you to come and hear more detailed information about where Quest is…

America the Beautiful… It Is Still True!

We live in extraordinary days, and in all the upheaval, change, confusion and chaos, we can sometimes begin to think the sky is falling. No doubt we are facing enormous challenges, but we also know that God has not lost any sleep over the circumstances that unsettle us. He has remained the same yesterday, today and forever. We can trust Him and thank…