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Recent News and Updates (Page 40)

Prodigal: Which Road Are You On?

Jesus tells a triad of stories, recorded in Luke chapter 15, that reveal the depth of God’s love for people… all people… even people who are hard to love or may not seem like they deserve love.  Each of these parables, that Jesus tells, are aimed at exposing the heart of the religious elite of His day.  It is these religious elite…

St. Louis Flood Relief Collection

We’re collecting items for flood relief. If you’d like to contribute, please bring items to Quest and we’ll get it all where it needs to go. You can bring the items to the building Tuesday-Thursdays from 9am-4pm or Sunday mornings for service at 10am. If you need more info or additional drop off times, please contact Jon Rayner. It’s important to stick to…

Palooza = Party!

You guys! It’s Palooza time again! Are you new to Quest and have no idea what the heck we’re talking about? That’s OK! A palooza is just our weird-O way of saying party. Do we really need a reason to throw a party? Personally, I don’t think so. While this upcoming Palooza was planned to be an outdoor deal, the weather isn’t…

Do you Spring Clean at your Place?

     Hi Everyone! On Saturday, May 6th Quest will be having a work day at the property to do landscaping, planting of flowers and other chores property owners often do in the spring time.  Now, did you noticed that I did not say, “we are having a work day at Quest” or “we are having a work day at church”? That’s…

Days of Implications

This week, known as the Passion Week, will be celebrated and observed by billions of people around the world.  It is culminated on Sunday with Resurrection Day… the day Jesus rose from the dead.  There will be thousands upon thousands of reenactments of the scene of a stone being rolled away from a tomb that is empty, except for the grave clothes…

Fear of the Storm

We have been asking the question of ‘What does it looks like to love?’ for the past several months.  I trust that the significance of that question and its ‘descriptions’ have begun to infiltrate your heart and your daily experiences.   This past week, we saw in I John 4 that “mature love cast out fear,” for fear is caught up in the potential of punishment.  As followers of…

Would You Give Up a Day to Feel Closer to God?

Post update: Registration for this event has closed It’s simple really. If you had the opportunity to connect with God as well as the people around you, would you give up a day to do that? We get it, sometimes a specific day just isn’t an option. Sometimes there are things outside of our control that can dictate the schedule for a…

What is Benevolence and why do we have a team for it?

Last night, as I sat down to write this weeks’ newsletter article about benevolence and introduce you to Quest’s benevolence team, my fifteen year old son Ben and I started discussing God’s purpose and meaning of benevolence.  This prompted him to go and pen his thoughts to paper, which helps him to express himself.  I found what he wrote to be very…

Membership with a Different Flavor

Membership with a different flavor… it is more like a partnership… it’s even more like a family. In a few weeks (March 26th, 12 noon till 2 pm), we will be offering a ‘membership cornerstone/seminar/class’ for anybody that would like to consider becoming an “official” member of Quest.  Let me throw out a few thoughts for you to chew on concerning ‘membership’:…