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Recent News and Updates (Page 36)

Setting Aside Time for Advent Planning

It’s no secret that families are often spread thin, so the idea of making time for a daily Advent activity at CHRISTMAS time sounds like total insanity. However, Christmas is such a special time of year, especially for our little ones, that we want to help make this easier. Our society has slowly taken Christmas and turned it into something it was…

*NEW* Meal Train & Transport Ministry

Our *NEW* Meal Train and Transport Ministry is designed to come alongside Questers in times of need. Are you or your spouse sick, injured or recovering from surgery or a birth? Would a few meals help to lighten the load you’re carrying? Do you need to get somewhere like a doctor’s appointment and can’t drive yourself or don’t have a ride? Let…

Heading Back to the Front Lines

Dear Questers, I first want to say that I appreciate all of you.  I also want to share with you that I am resigning my position with Quest, effective Nov 3rd.  I want to emphasize that Jennifer and I are not leaving Quest, I am just leaving my position.  God convicted my heart of this several months ago, but it has taken…

How Do You See It?

It depends on how you see it.  Everything hinges on whose vantage point you trust.  It is a matter of PERSPECTIVE. We live in a world where we try to make sense out of what sometimes seems senseless.  That is an understatement in light of the tragedy that took place in Las Vegas this past Sunday night, October 1st.  We live in…

What’s So Great About Community?

Community… an overused term and an under appreciated reality.  If you have been around the Christian subculture in recent years you know that this term, COMMUNITY, has been a buzzword for awhile.  It is a good term, but it is simply the new word that replaced ‘fellowship’, that replaced ‘body life’, that replaced….. well you get the picture.  The reality is that…

Soldier’s Wish List Needs

To make the Soldier’s Wish List Serve St. Louis project happen, we need donations of items to fill the care packages. You’ll find the needs and details below… Serve St. Louis: Soldier’s Wish List Donation Needs We will be making 81 care packages and need goodies to fill them! We Need Large Quantities of the following: Protein Bars (like Clif Bar brand) Drink mixes…

Transitions and Changes

It has been a few months since the last time that I have written to all of you. It is always a blessing anytime I get the opportunity to share with the entire Quest community. Life has many transitions in it. Some are natural, like moving up to high school and college. Others, like marriage and kids, come later and then there…

Let Your Light Shine

For those of us that like to hunt, we know that we have to get up really, really early to get to our spot in the woods.  We also know that we want to get to our spot in the woods as quietly as possible because we don’t want to stir up the critters.  Now, I don’t know how many of you…


Perspective is defined as: the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance.  If there were ever a time for people to develop and maintain a healthy perspective, it’s now.  We live in a world that seems to have danger around many of the corners of our lives.  It would be easy to want to escape or deny all…

It’s Palooza Time Again!

We have often said that “church is a party,” and so it is!!! However, it is a little different that the typical party of our culture, and a lot different than the ‘party’ that dominated the Huzzah River last weekend while we floated among to much alcohol, to little clothing and way to much vulgarity.  The party that the church is supposed…