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Recent News and Updates (Page 35)

Helping Quest be Quest

We’ve talked on many occasions about the church being people, not a building. Quest is made up of PEOPLE that share the hope of Christ with each other and our community. If it weren’t for you, one of our AMAZING Questers, this church wouldn’t be what it is. We have so many amazing volunteers that make all of the necessary things happen.…

The Most Full Time of the Year

The most Wonder[FUL]… The most Peace[FUL]… …and now The most Hope[FUL]… To all of these, we say “really?” Are you kidding? Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind? Have you read the news lately? Have you watched the news? Have you listened to the radio? Have you talked with your neighbors? Have you talked with your kids? With all of…

Advent Conspiracy: Haiti 2018

From the very beginning of Quest, we have had a vision of seeking the welfare of the community in which we live.  We understood that when we seek the welfare of others, God would give us ours in the process. Conversely, we understood that when we seek our own welfare first, at our core, we are simply serving ourselves. Jesus told us…

Core Qualities in Christmas

Beyond all the hoopla of Christmas, and beyond all the turmoil of our world, there are divine qualities that endure and enrich the human experience.  This year, we’re focusing on four of these qualities as we approach Christmas Day. I am convinced that these qualities are the very thing that can use to make sense of all the hoopla as well as…

Four Qualities of Christmas that are Easy to Miss

Christmas 2017… once again one of  “high holy seasons” is upon us: Christmas.  It is interesting that Christmas was not even a ‘thing’ celebrated in Christian churches until the 336 AD, when the Emperor Constantine institutionalized it as official in the Roman Empire.  The incarnation of Christ was certainly understood and celebrated by Christians prior to that, but the ‘platforming’ of it…

Partnering with Our Local Schools this Christmas

Ever since Quest planted 5 or so years ago, we’ve partnered with the schools in our community to help families during the Christmas season. We started out at Crestview, but after moving to the new building right down the road from Pond, we thought our focus should be within our new community. Thankfully, a new church took on Crestview so our help…

*NEW* College Care Package Ministry

When college students move away from home, the transition can be easier for some than others. Quest wants to help support our college Questers and keep them connected by sending birthday cards and care packages around finals time. It’s a great opportunity to show our college students that, even though they’re away from home, they’re still a part of the body of…

Drawing in the Community with Elf

The sign in front of our building suggests that the name of our church is Quest and the nature of our church is that we are “a people in and for the community”.  That actually is exactly what we are aiming to be and to become. In the 29th chapter of the Old Testament, in book of Jeremiah, the prophet speaks on…

What are the things you do everyday?

In our fast-paced lives of the early 21st century, there are many things that seem to get squeezed into the corners of our daily rhythms. These important, yet ignored, rhythms include exercise, solitude, rest, meditation, memorization, etc.  One of the most important spiritual rhythms in life is that of prayer.  We just don’t seem to have time to pray.  It gets the…