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Recent News and Updates (Page 34)


May I jot a note for today concerning the tragedy that unfolded yesterday in Florida.  Once again, our nation has been racked by the senseless violence of a lone gunman in one of our schools.  The heartache is indescribable.  The pain, grief and loss for that community is immense.  Once again, and without apology, our thoughts and prayers go out to the…

Sports Camp in Bonn, Germany

We’re putting together another team for Bonn, Germany this summer! In partnership with Bonn FeG (Free Evangelical Church), we have gone and helped at their Sports and ESL Camp and we’re hoping to do it again this year. July 13th-22nd, our team will head to Bonn, Germany to help at the camp in the way of lacrosse, flag football and softball plus ESL classes.…

Pray Without Ceasing

Prayer is a meaningful dialogue with a God who is there, about things we cannot control, but over which, He is sovereign… a sovereignty that is undisputed in His compassion, as well as His authority. In the closing thoughts of the first letter the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Thessalonica, we find two of the shortest verses in the entire…

The (Not So?) Newlywed Game

We try to plan various events for Quest – we have them for men, women, kids, families, students… this time around we’re planning something special for our couples. Join us for… Saturday, February 24th at 6pm Dinner by Sugarfire & dessert by Russell’s      All for only $40 per couple! Where can you go for a great dinner AND entertainment for…

Updating Quest’s Online Church Directory

Did you know that Quest has a directory? It’s all online and super easy to use! The catch? You do not have to be a member of Quest to be part of the directory, but you have to be a part of the directory to have access to it. No big deal though, it’s secure and a great place to go to…

The Key Ingredient for Dealing with Life

Our PERSPECTIVE of life and all the anxious moments that come our way either drive us in the direction of fear and despair or they move us toward depending on something or someone beyond ourselves. Life has a barrel full of challenging issues for each one of us.  It seems as though those issues are bigger and heavier than ever before. That…

Dry, Safe Roads

It is all a matter of PERSPECTIVE… how you see the situation always determines how you behave in it.  Everyday we move in one direction or another determined by how we perceive the situation and the surrounding circumstances.  Late last night (a cold and rainy night here is St. Louis), I was driving on a semi-rural road thinking that it was dry…

Back to Perspective

Welcome to 2018 and welcome back to Perspective… a serious look at what Paul wrote to the believers in Jesus in Philippi…a letter we call Philippians. Much of fall 2017 found us looking at this letter together and seeing if anything that Paul thought was critically important for them might also be relevant for us.  Fortunately, we found all sorts of things…

Four Enduring Qualities for Christmas

This year we have been wrestling around with four qualities that are obvious, or embedded just under the surface, in the events surrounding Jesus’ birth a few years ago (ok… a lot more that a few years ago).  All four of these qualities are transcendent – meaning they are not limited to the capacity of mankind, but are defined by the majesty…

Women’s Winter Bible Studies

Ladies! We have two Bible studies coming at you this January! Tuesdays from 7pm-9pm starting January 23rd (running 9 weeks through March 20th) “Stuck” by Jennie Allen This study will help us see the places we get stuck and engage the God who sets us free. Each week begins with a ten minute video that leads into small group discussion. You can purchase…