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Recent News and Updates (Page 17)

Thanksgiving 2020: A Strange One to be Sure!

As Thanksgiving 2020 quickly approaches, we are faced with all sorts of strange dynamics to deal with. There is political, medical and racial discord woven into our daily experience. Each of these issues are significant.  What we wish would go away, as quickly as they have risen, seem to be lingering with little hope that they will dissipate any time soon.  As…

An Quest Update

In this video update, Kevin will touch on where we are in our sermon series, Matthew: Kingdom Authority. He’ll also explain about the new St. Louis County guidelines that have been put into place and how that effects (or doesn’t effect) Quest. Along with updates on guidelines, he’ll encourage us through the downsides to this whole thing… the frustrations, the exhaustion, the…

Communion… Safely

There has been concern over our informing the congregation that we will be offering communion this Sunday. To clarify, we will NOT be taking communion the way that we have in the past, through intinction. We will be offering individual communion sets that come pre-filled with juice and a cracker.

Keeping Focus on our Foci

Dear Questers, As we enter into the last laps of 2020, I want to join the rest of our leadership in informing and reminding you of the three things we have determined to be the needed elements for us to focus on this coming year.  These three items are not outlandish and could very well be the things we could focus on…

Post Election Malaise

Malaise is defined a “a vague sense of mental or moral ill-being or lack of health.”  It seems to me that our country is in a sort of malaise as we sit in an uneasy place awaiting closure of the elections of Tuesday, November 3rd.  Not only are waiting to see who finally is declared the ‘winner,’ but we are not sure what to anticipate…

A Message from Kevin

Dear Quest, This is wisdom from a trusted leader in the Christian community that is worthy of our attention and consideration.  I would encourage you to read this letter for yourself. Yours,Kevin Hughes When you wake up on the morning of November 4, one of three things will have happened: Joe Biden will be the new president, Donald Trump will continue as…

You are Invited to “The Pit”

I want to take this chance to follow up on last Sunday’s announcement concerning a (temporary) outdoor venue that we have built that has affectionately become known as “The Pit”.  In its simplest form, it’s a fire pit surrounded by some benches, flanked by a couple of picnic tables and a BBQ / Smoker.   However, “The Pit” is actually a lot…

Red Cross Blood Drive

Did you know that every 2 seconds, someone in America needs blood? Did you also know that our St. Louis area blood banks are dangerously low on donations? Our neighboring church of Latter Day Saints is hosting a blood drive on Thursday, October 22nd from 1-6pm. They’ve asked if we would be willing to participate, and seeing as the area blood banks are dangerously…