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Men’s Bible Study

It is in the nature of men to HUDDLE up and call a play, and then together, execute that plan as best as possible.  That describes our vision for ministry to and for men in and through Quest.

One part of the HUDDLE is to establish a foundational understanding of what manhood looks and acts like.  We live in a culture where manhood is misunderstood and undefined.  It has been watered down and misrepresented.  It has become a confusion for many and rejected by the rest.  In the face of a culture that has very little idea of what it means to be a man, it is refreshing to find a compelling vision for manhood in the Scriptures.  The most exciting thing is that every man is not cut out of the same external cookie cutter.  We are all very different.  We come in various sizes and colors.  We have various skills and interests.  Not every one of us wears camouflage.  Some do.

However, every man has an internal structure that God has intended for us.  One of those things is to be men of courage.  That will be the focus of our Wednesday morning study, starting May 2nd (6:30 am at the Wolf).  We are all assigned to be men who protect and provide. This will be worth your investment of ten weeks.  See you there.