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Men and Their Traps

In recent days, the news has been full of stories about well known, powerful and famous men making giant mistakes and creating enormous problems.  R. Kelly, Robert Kraft, Jussie Smollett, Matt Lauer… to name just a few.  What do each of these men have in common?

The lure of the human heart to satisfy our needs in ways that actually create bigger problems seems to be the history of mankind.   Unfortunately, it seems that men tend to create bigger problems than women.  Men fall into traps that the world has set for them and the impact is tragic in their lives, the lives of their families and in the lives of entire communities.  The traps that most of us fall into are probably never going to make it onto evening news, but the impact is no less significant.

Therefore, taking a hard and honest look at what those traps are and why we fall into them is both an important, yet terrifying, responsibility each man carries.  In isolation, most men will never figure out what to do or, even worse, they will wallow in the backwash of the mess they have created in their lives and never get any traction toward restoring what God intended their lives to be like.

Beginning March 27th, at 6:30 am (at the Wolf Coffee House) and 7:00 pm (at Quest) we will spend six weeks taking a look at the traps men get entangled with and what to do about them.  The secret elixir in all of this is processing the information (and our lives) face to face with other men who, surprisingly, are going through the same things.  We usually think that we must be the only one who has become entrapped, that we are the only ones who have fallen for the lies of this world in exchange for the truths that God has supplied for us.  Reality is that there is that temptations and traps are common to all of us.  Reality is that those temptations and traps are eating us alive.  Reality is that without understanding and addressing these traps, we will never find a better way.

I invite all men to courageously join us starting March 27th as we look at A MAN AND HIS TRAPS.

Your bro,
